Christie Pits Park Wading Pool Labyrinth painting almost done

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August 2nd, 2009 Permalink

The Christie Pits Park Wading Pool Splash Pad Labyrinth is now done. The circuits are painted in azure blue and royal purple with 10 undefined rectangular spots for future artwork, designs, secret messages or whatever. I doubt I will do anything more with this one, so hopefully someone will fill in the empty spots with […]


The Christie Pits Park Wading Pool Splash Pad Labyrinth is now done.

The circuits are painted in azure blue and royal purple with 10 undefined rectangular spots for future artwork, designs, secret messages or whatever. I doubt I will do anything more with this one, so hopefully someone will fill in the empty spots with some wonderful unexpectedness.

For the duration of the TOStrike, there has been red fencing surrounding the wading pool. Invariably, the red fencing had been locked shut until this past Friday.

Early Sunday, I witnessed a couple of young boys, maybe four or five years of age, simply decide to figure out how to undo the interlocking of the fencing. I had re-interlocked it the night before after deciding to make this a two-day project.

It took some ingenuity, as young boys are wont to do, but they figured it out. They entered the enclosure then enjoyed the personal satisfaction that comes from performing one’s first break and enter  :-/

As I began to chalk out the circuits of the labyrinth, the young’uns approached me and asked if I spoke spanish.


Thereafter in broken Español they learned about labyrinths and why one was being painted here, in the wading pool. They eyed my progress throughout the afternoon until it was almost done.

The evening sun brought with it the decision by these two kids to run through the design, without narry a step upon any of the freshly painted circuits.


There is hope yet for the next generation of Torontonians ;-O

This wading pool labyrinth brings to four, the number of labyrinths that are within and just around Christie Pits Park.

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