Today is Day 26 of Ramadan 2020.
This video is from my journey to Madinah, Saudi Arabia in May/June of 2011.
I was walking from my youth hostel to visit Masjid Qiblatain.
Masjid Qiblatain is known for having two Mihrabs, or Prayer Niches.
Muslims had faced north west from Madinah towards Masjid Al Aqsa in Jerusalem when praying.
A time came when the Direction of Prayer, the Qibla, was turned south east towards Makkah.
The Masjid with Two Qibla.
En route,
A traffic island in the distance somehow caught my curiosity.
A Triangle Topiary Hedge Labyrinth !
Discovering this was a HUGE moment for me.
Muslims in The Holy City of Madinah were also making Labyrinths !
I found a a small playground near Masjid Qiblatain.
In that park,
I outlined a simple three lane Classic Labyrinth in the sand and walked it.
Turning north and south and east and west.
Not unlike the Turn in Congregational Prayer Direction from Jerusalem to Makkah in the Masjid I was about to enter and visit.
— HïMY SYeD 🕌 30 Masjids in 30 Days of Ramadan 2020 (@30masjids) May 2, 2020
It's been life transforming so far. Walked on foot around this city: to Mount Uhud; prayed in masjid al Qiblatain; made a labyrinth; cried.
— HïMY SYeD (@HiMYSYeD) May 31, 2011
I was 10 when my Family performed Hajj;
We visited #Madinah;
Did I "see" #Labyrinths then?
Ergo, my inspiration?
— HïMY SYeD 🍥 City of Labyrinths Project (@LabyrinthsDOTca) May 8, 2017