Dancers Performing atop my Heart Labyrinth on Augusta Avenue on Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market.
Dancers Performing atop my Heart Labyrinth on Augusta Avenue on Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market.
Photo of yours truly Re-Painting the Heart Labyrinth on Kensington Avenue just popped online.
It was captured during last year’s May 29 2022 Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market.
I didn’t bother taking too many of my own photographs that day,
Grateful to see this one a year plus change later.
Wander through Kensington Market then meander Midway down Kensington Avenue and you will find my freshly Re-Painted Heart Labyrinth.
What does one do when they reach the Centre of The Labyrinth and stand atop the Heart found in the Middle?
TDot Batu began their Samba Reggae Drumming Parade through Kensington Market at the bottom of Kensington Avenue circa 6:30 p.m.
They would eventually Pass-By, Pause, Drum, then Dance atop each of my six Labyrinths I Painted/Re-Painted on Kensington & Augusta Avenues during this Pedestrian Sunday.
This Heart Labyrinth I had repainted earlier in the day,
Was TDot Batu’s first Labyrinth stop…
TDot Batu Samba Reggae closed out the July 30 2023 Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market with a Drumming Parade up beginning at the bottom of Kensington Avenue winding through Kensington Market and north up Augusta Avenue.
Along the way,
TDot Batu paused atop my Re-Painted Labyrinths near the Kensington Garden Car until finally arriving on North Augusta Avenue at my then still-in-progress painting of a Pass-Through Labyrinth.
I too then paused to enjoy their Drumming…
This was kinda weird.
I really did not want to have my picture taken like this, yet I didn’t feel I had any choice.
You might be able to tell that by the look on my face.
Reflecting on it,
This was the perhaps the first time I had a Vancouver experience here in my hometown of Toronto.
In Vancouver I kept silently wondering to myself “What Planet Am I On?” as I had one positive experience after another after another with Vancouver Police Officers.
Vancouver Bicycle Cops would stop and thank me for making Chalk Labyrinths all around VanCity, one even wanted to simply shake my hand, that was at the TaiwanFest on Granville.
Other times, Vancouver Police would LOAN ME TRAFFIC PYLONS and even move them into place and direct traffic around my Labyrinths while in progress and then once completed.
Again, that permanent question “What Planet Am I On?” persisted in me as every time that happened, I had to, almost as a necessary “Must”, contrast my Labyrinth Making encounters between Toronto’s Cops and Vancouver’s.
On this Pedestrian Sunday,
I again asked myself, “What Planet Am I On?” but this time, it was IN Toronto, NOT Vancouver.
My freshly Re-Painted Heart Labyrinth on Kensington Avenue returns and becomes part of the streetscape on this Pedestrian Sunday.
Me Re-Painting the Square Labyrinth, with the Heart in Middle, I first painted onto Augusta Avenue during the May 2023 Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market.
Muslimah walking my Re-Painted Square Labyrinth with her Little One on Augusta Avenue during Pedestrian Sunday.
Standing beside the Heart Labyrinth holding a Purple Ballon twisted into what I believe is a Sword.
Mazes have Monsters.
Heart Labyrinths have Love.
Thankfully the Sword is not needed.
…Still looks like fun to have one!
Me smiling with a Little One while Re-Painting & Expanding my Heart Labyrinth on Augusta Avenue during Pedestrian Sunday in Kensington Market…
Norm Di Pasquale paused by my repainting of the Heart Labyrinth in front of Courage My Love on Kensington Avenue in Kensington Market to say Hi and catch up on things.
Things like, “Ontario Place For All!“, …Austria Place for Some.
That’s me in the background sporting my Red Octagon Labyrinth TEE refreshing the right side of the Heart Labyrinth.
❤️ Pedestrian Sundays in Kensington Market! #topoli
— Norm Di Pasquale (@normsworld) July 30, 2023
Grateful for this photograph.
That’s me,
The Labyrinth Maker,
Re-painting the one inch wide Yellow painted outline of the Labyrinth
With a three inch wide paint roller making the Labyrinth Green.
Eventually the kids gave up waiting for me to finish,
They began walking/running around me from Entrance to the Centre,
Where they’d find the Heart of the Labyrinth.