As part of the ongoing Toronto City of Labyrinths Project, you are invited to walk a Giant Candlelight Luminaria Labyrinth slightly hidden somewhere along Ossington Avenue.
If you discover the secret location early enough, you can help light up the many many many many candles.
Blackout Party – Friday August 14, 2009
28 venues from Queen to Dundas on Ossington Avenue, 8 p.m. – 11 p.m.
No lights, no mics, no amps, no lack of good food, drink, music and conversation.
Re-live the great time Toronto had the night of the blackout of 2003. Share memories, make new ones.
Some bars will book bands, others will have guitars to pass around.
Parking-meter Parties – pay the meter, party in the street. play music, play games, make art, the space is yours once you pay for it.
Don’t miss the big surprise between 10 and 11 p.m.
See you in the street!
P.S. please respect 11 p.m. noise by-law and keep it quiet as it gets late.