The location of the Grange Park Labyrinth has been a blank canvas over the winter.

Today I decided to place a Heart Labyrinth there, ahead of World Labyrinth Day on Saturday May 7 2022.

Began by using Red Chalk to outline a Six Lane Heart Labyrinth Design…

I started accurately measuring each width of each lane using my metallic tape measure,
Then felt I should abandon measuring for accuracy.

I outlined the Heart Labyrinth design in chalk using my heart instead of the tape measure.

The Grange Park Labyrinth is now the Grange Park “❤️” Heart Labyrinth.

Start at the Heart !

Follow your Heart into the Labyrinth…

I ran out of red paint !
So the Heart Labyrinth in the Heart of Grange Park in Downtown Toronto is outlined in red, it is not yet fully finished.
Yet, maybe it is ?
People thanked me while I painting it, saying it was beautiful.
The entire path is complete and walkable from entrance to the centre.
And matters of the Heart are never, and can never be, an exact science.
So that’s it then.
The Grange Park Heart Labyrinth is finished, for now.

The instagram below captured me painting the Grange Park Heart Labyrinth which I cropped and added above.
Happy Labyrinth Walking Toronto !
And an early Happy World Labyrinth Day from me, HïMY!