“Summer Saturday stroll at the Grange Park.” – Grange Park Labyrinth – Downtown Toronto

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August 14th, 2021 Permalink

Look closer. You can see children walking, running, around the Labyrinth I re-painted in the middle of Grange Park in Downtown Toronto. After the most recent removal of the Grange Park Labyrinth by The City of Toronto, I decided to experiment to see IF they would remove a much less visible Labyrinth ? The width […]

Look closer.

You can see children walking, running, around the Labyrinth I re-painted in the middle of Grange Park in Downtown Toronto.

After the most recent removal of the Grange Park Labyrinth by The City of Toronto,

I decided to experiment to see IF they would remove a much less visible Labyrinth ?

The width of Labyrinth’s lines aree one inch wide, rather than my regular three inches wide.

I made it an almost invisible from a distance by painting a light green colour.

So far, it’s been there, unremoved, being enjoyed, explored, and played in by little ones mid-way into August.

Hopefully it stays this time.

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