Learning about The Pygmalion Effect and this paragraph caught my attention…
“Students were given rats from two groups, one described as “maze dull” and the other as “maze bright.”
Researchers claimed that the former group could not learn to properly negotiate a maze, but the latter could with ease.
As you might expect, the groups of rats were the same. Like the gifted and non-gifted children, they were chosen at random.
Yet by the time the study finished, the “maze-bright” rats appeared to have learned faster.
The students considered them tamer and more pleasant to work with than the “maze-dull” rats.”
Saving it here as I expect to refer to this in the future.
The article concludes:
“The Pygmalion effect is a powerful secret weapon.
Who wouldn’t want to help their children get smarter, help employees and leaders be more competent, and generally push others to do well?
That’s possible if we raise our standards and see others in the best possible light.
It is not necessary to actively attempt to intervene.
Without even realizing it, we can nudge others towards success.
If that sounds too good to be true, remember that the effect holds up for everything from rats to CEOs.”